Union Market North

"Getting the building ready for permanent power and switching off temporary is a huge milestone on any project that involves massive amounts of coordination and teamwork not only internally but with many outside stakeholders as well. We could not have done this without the help of each and every PDI foreman, electrician, and apprentice on the Union Market North project, but credit also needs to be given to the JMA team for making this a priority for the job as a whole and not just PDI. With this “Trade Mark” goal complete, we are not only one step closer to a successful completion, but we leave a legacy in the Union Market area of Washington, DC that will stand the test of time for years to come." - Adam Suhr, Project Manager
Eric Rudden, Superintendent
Melvin Mejia, Foreman
Francy Salmeron, Foreman
"Let’s continue signing our names on skylines across America. Let’s leave our mark, together."