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415 Colorado(5th and Colorado)

"PDI excels in high-rise multifamily type stuff. I’d say this is y’alls bread and butter and what y'all do well. So, I know for sure that on high-rise multifamily, 100% I would want to work with Power Design again.” - Harvey-Cleary Builders


Michael Heitkamp, Sr. Superintendent

Terry McGee, Superintendent

Carl Devard, Foreman

Clinton Mitchell, Foreman

Michael Watkins, Apprentice

Dane Rasmussen, Apprentice

John Hoots, FA Supervisor

Gregory Clodfelter, FA Tech II

Reuben Leon Payan, FA Tech II

William Holloway, FA Tech II

Joe Lopez, FA Tech I

"Let’s continue signing our names on skylines across America. Let’s leave our mark, together."

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